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EA in talks with Microsoft to bring mobile games to upcoming WP8

WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesùs.
EA in talks with Microsoft to bring mobile games to upcoming  WP8.

“We’re working very closely with Microsoft to understand what their views on gaming navigation are,” Chief Operating Officer Peter Moore said in a phone interview before the annual Gamescom conference kicks off this week in Cologne, Germany. “Anything that allows more platforms to be adopted quickly that have a gaming element is good for Electronic Arts.”

“It is important to attract the gamers and due to Windows Phone 8’s relation to the classical Windows PC programs, it is a good platform for game developers,” said Robert Jakobsen, an analyst at Jyske Bank A/S (JYSK) in Silkeborg, Denmark. “This is clearly a step forward for Microsoft’s mobile operation system.”

Electronic Arts is counting on games on phones and tablet computers as well as Internet-based titles to reduce the Redwood City, California-based company’s reliance on boxed retail products. With sales of the mobile version of Windows 8 slated for later this year, Microsoft needs developers to create products for its platform to take on Apple Inc. ’s iPhone and devices powered by Google Inc.’s Android software.

Source: Bloomberg.


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