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Slice It! Android Hack

Name of Cheat: Unlimited lines
Name of Address (if any):

Manual Steps:
Open and select a level in Slice It! And have GameCIH open.
Search the current amount of lines (Pencils) you have available, then go back to the game.
Use a line; enter the new number within the previous search, repeat until you get only one result.
Change it to whatever you want.
Note: This is more of just a show off cheat. You cannot complete a level unless you use all the pencil lines.

Name of Game: Slice It!
Name of Cheat: Unlimited Hints
Name of Address (if any): s_userRemainHintCnt

Manual Steps:
Open and select a level in Slice It! And have GameCIH open.
Search the name, change to whatever you want.

Name of Game: Slice It!
Name of Cheat: 5 Star Levels
Name of Address (if any):

Manual Steps:
Open and select a level in Slice It! And have GameCIH open.
Once in a level search 0.
Finish the level, then search how many stars you got on the level (For example: I got ***, so I will search 3). Repeat until you get one result.
Change it to 5 and lock.
Note: This is more of just a show off cheat. The game displays 5 stars, but it is not the true value.

Name of Game: Slice It!
Name of Cheat: Change number of goal lines (1/6 for example)
Name of Address (if any):

Manual Steps:
Open and select a level in Slice It! And have GameCIH open.
Search the number on top of the game (1/4 for example),
Draw a line; search the new number, 2, in the previous search. Repeat until you get 2 results.
The correct one to change tends to be the top result.
Note: This is more of just a show off cheat. You will automatically fail the game because you didn’t actually draw the lines, or use up all the pencils.


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