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Name of game: Stardom
Name of cheat (:  XP


Start game 
1. Do Low Level Analysis.
2. Go to home, press =
3. Spend one energy on job at home (relax on catch, drink, start fire). Press !
4. Spend another energy, press !
5. Repeat until finish job in home . Get to next room if available or go to street  then press =
6. Go back to home , press =
Repeat process from 1-6 . Until get 4~1 addresses.

8. Spend one energy  to gane XP to see what address change Press +
8. If you got one address record or remember this number
Rest search on GameCIH (^^ love this )
Search for this record number you get 200-20 numbers
Spend one energy on job at home (relax on cutch , drink , start fire). Press + until you get 5 addresses

9. Now change these number to desired want for ex put 159046 and you level up to 24 MIX i guess

(First attempt to post and I am not good explainer ^^)

Name of game: Stardom
Name of cheat (: energy

1. Input Numb of currant energy amount you have.
2. Spend one energy on job to change value.
3. Input the new value.
4. Repeat until 4~1 results remain.
5. Change value(s) to desired amount.

Name of game: Stardom
Name of cheat (: achievement

you can get all five achievement for one element very easy

1. Input Numb of currant achievement amount you have for element ex look.
2. Spend one energy on job in movie to change value.
3. Input the new value.
4. Repeat until 2 results remain.
5. Change value(s) to last step of  mix amount ex 149/150 , 299/300 or 499/500 than Spend one energy on job in movie to get mix and gifts .



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